Posts Tagged awesome

One-Year Anniversary!

OK so I missed it! Technically, the one-year anniversary was on 17th July, but hey I only get to a year on WordPress on 25th November apparently! So today seems like a happy medium.

(If you’re wondering what the medium is; its a Saturday night, I’m in one of the most ‘vibrant’ cities in the world,  and I’ve just spent over two hours ‘revamping’ my blog. On Halloween. What could I possibly do to top that? This post. The awesome life of  a young one in London!)

Without further ado, blog stats:

Number of views: 30 850 (it pays to write about Disney movies, Barney Stinson and laser tag!)

Most popular day: Friday 19th February, 2010 – 1703 views! All thanks to Esther Arunga and Quincy Timbergate! Thank you Finger of God church and Placenta Party (I never wrote about that, just wanted to remind everyone of the terrible efforts those Helloners make when it comes to naming things!)

Weirdest search terms:

  • english mutha fucka
  • pepeljuga hilary duff (what the hell does pepeljuga mean?! this search comes up many, MANY times!)
  • sociopathic stare
  • what did the wall say in the movie a cin (I can’t even begin to guess)
  • bba shower hour pics (and LOTS of variations. Pervs!)
  • selena gomez breasts (I’m not a lesbian!!)

The top search term of all time is…. *DRUMROLL*… Quincy Timberlake. How depressing.

Most popular post: Vive le weekend – told you it pays to talk about Barney. Second is the Another Cinderella Story review 🙂

What I’ve learnt from writing this blog:

  1. Disney movies are the
  2. Writing is much easier when you have time to browse the internet and to come up with things to write.
  3. Ergo working is conducive to blogging. (HEAR THAT all you writers who don’t work and sponge off your parents/friends/the government!)

What I haven’t learnt:

  1. The art of non-procrastination.

What I hope to learn:

  1. Nothing. I know everything. Except how not to procrastinate. But I don’t need that sort of negativity in my life. Procrastination is king.

Pic is unrelated.

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Do you want a brick on your house in heaven?

My life is so cool. Legitimately just spent the last two and a half hours playing Plants Vs Zombies.

It came as a free trial on my computer and I LOVE IT. I’m so sad that I only get one more go. And that I have work tomorrow and had to cut my sesh short. I was in the zone! Killing them zombie bitches like noone’s business! Seriously though, I was actually planning to watch a movie tonight , I decided to play a little game for a half an hour and the next time I look up its 11.30. Also I haven’t eaten dinner! This game is so awesome and I love it like a fat kid love cake.

So if you want to do a good deed for a very needy person, BUY ME THIS GAME. And I will love you forever and ever, amen. Real talk.

*One of these days blogging about stuff I want will work, and I will get everything I want and then everyone will envy me.*

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Eureka is back!

After a whole year can I just say how happy I am that Eureka is back?

And the first episode of Season 4 did not disappoint even a little bit! I loved the plot, the time-travelling, even the fact that SPOILER ALERT – highlight to see: Tess is back in the ‘alternate universe’ right as Allison and Carter kissed. I did miss Zoe though, but I guess she’s enjoying being at Harvard too much. Episode Two and me tonight – on like popcorn!

Entourage is also back but it’s just more of the same. Except now even Ari Gold is boring. I’ll still watch it but I suspect Vince is going to into one of his epic two-season declines so maybe I should just skip all the whining and the angst and start watching again in Season 9. If it doesn’t end before then. In the first two episodes the most exciting thing that happened was that Vince finally cut his hair. Imagine.

This isn’t America’s Next Top Model! Step ya game up, Entourage. That being said, I will still watch until at least Jessica Simpson’s guest appearance hehe.

But overall – summer TV rocks! Eureka, Royal Pains, Burn Notice and Pretty Little Liars not to mention rewatches of my favourite fall shows (my Supernatural DVD just came today!). I’m so made. 😀

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Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop ♫

The amalgamation of two great thought processes. This:

and this:

Love it.

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“Verbally abusive types never read your messages.”

Our very own modern-day genius!

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